

In certain circumstances women are able to self refer for their yearly or bi-yearly mammograms. You can call to book an appointment without needing to have a requisition from your doctor. You must meet the following requirements in order to self refer for a mammogram:

  • Your mammogram must be screening only. You can NOT have any new concerns, such as lumps, pain, redness, etc.
  • You must have a valid Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan number.
  • You cannot have had a breast cancer diagnosis.
  • You cannot have had surgery or biopsy to the breast within the last three years (prior to booking your appointment).


Women age 40-44 – you must have had one previous mammogram referred by a doctor in Alberta.

Women age 45-74 – you do NOT need to have had a previous mammogram referred by a doctor in Alberta.

Women age 75+ – you must have had one previous mammogram referred by a doctor in Alberta.

Women under age 40 – you can NOT self refer.

For information about the Alberta Health Services breast screening program, please visit the Screening for Life website.